Dartmouth places in Recruiter's Magazine Hot 10 Professional Sector Recruiters
26 Jan 2021
A great achievement for Dartmouth Partners placing 6th in the Recruiter Magazine's Hot 10 Professional Sector Recruiters and 17th in the Hot 100. These rankings cover all the main professional candidate segments, including finance, legal, HR and more.
Despite the obstacles 2020 had in store for the recruitment sector, Dartmouth managed to end the year in a favourable position with an increase in not only headcount by 40% but also the introduction of a number of new practice areas including their HR and Change & Transformation offerings.
March 2020 was to see the opening of Dartmouth's New York office, scheduled during the week the city became an epicentre for Covid-19. Quickly adjusting to the situation, the US team realigned their strategies and worked remotely. Going forward to present day, the US team continue to make their presence known in the US market working in a number of areas including Austin, Miami, as well as New York.
2020 proved a challenging year for all, making the announcement of this placement even more rewarding. Scaling the business up to make sure the firm would be able to offer what their clients needed post lockdown life proved to be a success with huge rewards. The hard work put in by the team is what has enabled Dartmouth to continue on their growth path growth since their inception in 2012.
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